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Children First 1, 2, 3 & A, B, C




Our Mission:


To assist families and people working with children

in their communities, by providing resources and

information in helping our children succeed.














Help us reach more people with your kind donation. 


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We greatly appreciate all your help!


If you are a childcare center/preschool or a program that works with children and families we will add your information to this website as a thank you for donating.


Send your donation of $5.00 to our Paypal account and add your contact information and we will post your information (Name of Center or Program, site, number, address). 


No matter what state you live in, this website is for everyone.

We will help promote your childcare center/preschool center or program.   

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Children First 1,2,3, & A, B, C 

2022  All Rights Reserved

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2020  Children First 1,2,3 & A,B,C
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