Children First 1,2,3 & A,B,C
Cherish Every Moment With Your Little Ones

Tummy Time
The Crawligator
Moving Babies Forward
The Crawligator:
Support independence, promote crawling mobility and help develop gross motor skills all with 1 convenient baby toy. The unique contoured surface is specially designed for infants to rest comfortably on their stomach while safely developing and exploring.
Promotes child development
Twice the tummy time for muscle strengthening; spin and neck strengthening
Develops mobility through kicking, reaching, pushing
Unlike other walkers, The Crawligator stores easily
How It Works -
Introduce your infant to the Crawligator slowly and gradually making sure they are positioned comfortably on their stomach.
Once they are secure on the Crawligator begin to move them slowly in a forward direction, accustoming them to the movement.
Place toys in the distance and encourage them to reach for the toys. If they appear to get upset, take them off the Crawligator and wait a bit before trying again.
Remember to make it fun! The Crawligator makes tummy time fun.
Note: The Crawligator should always be used with parental assistance. Never leave your baby unattended during use of the Crawligator. Do not use near stairs and doorways.